SOA : Creating DataSource in WebLogic console

In this post we'll see how to create a JDBC data source in the weblogic console.
First you need to unlock the HR schema in the oracle database.

Open the weblogic console at the following URL
Username/password : weblogic/welcome1

1) On the left-hand side expand services and select data sources.

Image 041

2) From the data sources table, select new Generic Data Source.
Image 043

3) Enter the following details:
Name : hr
JNDI name : jdbc/hr
Database type : Oracle
Click next.

4) Do not change any Data Source Properties. Click Next.
Image 045

5) Do not change any Transaction Options. Click Next.
Image 046

6) Enter the following details:
Database name :  xe
Hostname : localhost
Port : 1521
Database Username : hr
Password : welcome1

Click Next.

7) Click test configuration to see if all the details are correct and Click next.

Image 048

8) Select AdminServer as the target and click Finish.

Image 049

9) You will see a confirmation that all the changes are activated.
Image 050

Now we will associate the newly created connection with the DB adapter application.

10) In the domain structure, select deployments
.Image 001

11) Click on DB adapter application in the list
Image 002

12) Go to Configuration tab and click on Outbound Connection Pools
Image 006

13) Click new on the table
Image 007

14) Accept the default connection group and click next
Image 008

15) Enter the JNDI name as eis/DB/hr and Click finish.

16) You can see the newly created connection pool ‘eis/DB/hr’ in the list.
Click on ‘eis/DB/hr’

17) For Property Name ‘xADataSourceName’,  enter the following Property Value  jdbc/hr
Very Important: Click on the Property Value column for ‘xADataSourceName’ enter jdbc/hr and press enter.
Click Save.

18) You should see a confirmation that all the changes are activated.
Image 013

19) Now we need to redeploy the DBAdapter application so that our changes will take effect.
Click on Deployments in the Domain Structure

Image 001

20) In the Deployments table select the check box next to the DBAdapter application.
Click Update.
Image 015

21) Select Redeploy.
Click Change Path for Deployment plan path in Redeploy.
Image 017

22) Accept the default Path but change the file name from Plan.xml to db_Plan.xml
Click Next.
Image 018

23) Click Finish
Image 017

24) You should see a confirmation that the Deployment is updated.
Image 019

Below is the video tutorial for creating the DataSource in WebLogic console.


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